Chickens (Barnyard Mix)
Chick (straight run):
1 week old $3
2-4 weeks old $7
5-8 weeks old $15
9-12 weeks old $20
13-18 weeks old $25
19-24 weeks old $30
25+ weeks old $40
Dozen Chicken Eggs $5
Dozen Chicken Hatching Eggs $20
Turkeys (Heritage Bourbon Red) MORE BREEDS COMING SOON!!!
Tom (male) Turkey $150
Jenny (female) Turkey $140
Turkey Poult (straight run) $20 per
Turkey Eggs $2 per
Dozen Turkey Hatching Eggs $5 per
Rabbits (Rex, Silver Fox, American Chinchilla)
Pedigreed Rabbit $50
Non-Pedigreed Rabbit $40
Muscovy / Pecking $40
Goats (Nubian / Boar)
Harvest ready (Male / Female) $500
non-pedigree $450
Pigs: (Kune Kune - A friendly breed that likes to forage. Produces reddish meat that is absolutely delicious.)
Proven sow (12+ months old): $1,250
Proven Boar $1,100
Whole pig processed packaged and delivered $1,200
9 month old gilts: $750
9 month old boars: $650
6 month old gilts: $600
6 month old boars: $500
3 month old gilts $250
3 month old boars $200
Starter Plants:
Plants: All fruit / vegetable plants are heirloom varieties (non GMO). Most flower varieties are heirloom except Wave Petunias
Garden Bundle ($35) (4 tomatoes of your choice from normal selection, 2 sweet peppers, 2 hot peppers, 1 cucumber, 1 zucchini, 1 yellow squash, 6 herbs (your choice).
Tomatoes (Ponderosa Red, Pink Brandywine, Big Rainbow, Cherokee Purple, Red Cherry, San Marzano) $3.50 each or 3/$10
Other tomato varieties $5
Peppers (California Wonder bell, jalepeno, orange habenero) $3.50 each 3/$10
Other pepper varieties $5
Herbs 2.50
6 pack flowers $2 per plant or 6 pack for $10 (violas, impatiens, marigolds)
Other Vegetables (cucumber, yellow squash, zucchini) $3
Flowers $4 (zinnias, nasturtiums, sunflowers, petunias, calendula, shasta daisy, dahlia, Gomphrena)
Click here to place plant order.
List will be provided later this season along with pricing.
Other Items:
Freeze Dried Candy: $3 small bag, $5 medium bag, $10 large bag
Turkey feather quill $5
Bag of rabbit manure $4 a gallon
As most at home services are often unique from one another, it is difficult to know exactly how we can help or how much it will cost. Give us a call or send us a message so that we may better serve you.
Training: $10 - $125 Depending on group size, materials, length of class, and location.
Tilling: $99 per 1/8th acre within a 10 mile radius.
Excavating / Grading / Post Hole Digging and More: $1500 per day plus materials for smaller jobs. Per day price reduced for larger jobs. (fully insured)